Valentine Winter Squash…just a touch of red….

So we’re officially headed into January, quickly followed by February, which means: Valentines! Here’s a simple Squash recipe I came up with last year….give it a try 😉

HOMEFREEKIDS (midlife daydreams)


On a whim and a prayer, squash became today’s inspiration 😉

Any squash will do….remember, it not about following the recipe to the T, it’s about adding a piece of ourselves to every dish. And squash is probably one of the most flexible veggies out there! It can be shaped, carved, mashed, molded….cookie cutters and food coloring (yes…food coloring)….squash has been the canvas for many aspiring food artists. So give it a go.


Now that you have your squash, slice it into clean beautiful shapes….I was in a hurry and went with circles, but just imagine what some cute little cookie cutters could do. For kids, you could go with teddy bears and cars, for the fancy diners, maybe swans or champagne flutes! Beauty is in the eye of the chef!

Moving on, lightly oil and butter a large pan. Add a generous helping of brown sugar and some water…

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